Michael Franks - Objects of Desire (1982) Part 1 (Full Album)
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Track List: 1-3
1. Michael Franks - Jealousy (0:00)
2. Michael Franks - Ladies’ Night (3:38)
3. Michael Franks - No-Deposit Love (7:50)
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Objects of Desire is a jazz vocal album by Michael Franks, released in 1982 with Warner Bros. Records. It was Franks’ seventh studio album.
Michael Franks - vocals, backing vocals (2, 5, 8)
Bonnie Raitt - vocals and backing vocals (2)
S. Renee Diggs - backing vocals (1, 5, 8), vocals (8)
Yvonne Lewis - backing vocals (1)
Ullanda McCullough - backing vocals (1, 5)
Kasey Cisyk - backing vocals (5)
Leslie Miller - backing vocals (5)
Luther Vandross - backing vocals (7)
Phil Ballou - backing vocals (7)
Tawatha Agee - backing vocals (7