A more in depth look at Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on the Sega Saturn, video captured directly from a European console. Which is a near perfect direct port of the arcade machine. For our full Kano playthough click here:
The Saturn’s version was original the closest port to the arcade version, until the DS and Arcade Kollection versions showed up. The Super Nintendo and Genesis / Mega Drive versions cut a large amount of content from the game including Sheeva (Who was playable in part via a glitch) and added in incomplete versions of Rain and Noob Saibot.
If you want to get pedantic however, this is in fact a upgraded version of the PlayStation Mortal Kombat 3 code and as a result has the following issues with it.
1. Incorrect background music on some stage, Scorpion’s Lair, Jade’s Desert, River Kombat and Kahn’s Kave
2. Uses the Mortal Kombat 3 version of Noob Saibot based on Kano
3. Shang Tsung doesn’t appear as an A.I. opponent in arcade mode
4. Game uses the A.I. based on the PS1 version of MK3
5. Games run faster than the arcade (just like PS1 MK3) (However there also appears to be some extra PAL optimisation in the PAL build)
6. Character sprites are smaller than arcade version (just like PS1 MK3)
7. Missing arcade attract intro so no Rain cameo
8. The start of an endurance match only shows one opponent, unlike the arcade which shows both
9. Some of the arcade kombat kodes are removed, while new ones added
While not 100% arcade perfect it’s was still a great conversion for the time.
Chapter and content times for this video,
0:00 - Splash Screens & Title Menu
0:54 - Kano vs Scorpion
2:49 - Kano vs Nightwolf
3:42 - Kabal vs Nightwolf
4:40 - Shang Tsung vs Nightwolf
6:05 - Shang Tsung vs Jade
6:55 - Smoke vs Jade
8:07 - Smoke vs Sub-Zero
9:17 - Sheeva vs Sub-Zero
10:22 - Sheeva vs Cyrax
11:32 - Stryker vs Cyrax
13:29 - Stryker vs Jade
アルティメットモータルコンバット3は日本ではリリースされなかった (究極モータルコンバット3)
Release: 1996
Developer: Eurocom
Publisher: Midway Games (USA) GT Interactive (Europe)
Format: Sega Saturn / セガサターン
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is also available on SNES & Mega Drive with a slightly different character line up. Direct arcade ports however are also available on the Premium Edition of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon on PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS and on the PS3 and Xbox 360 as part of the arcade Kollection.
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Captured directly from a European Sega Saturn at 60hz using RGB Scart via a scart upscaler in order for it to work with an Elgato Game Capture HD.
#UltimateMortalKombat3 #SEGASaturn #Midway
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