Line 6 Pod Go vs Boss GX100 - Which Should You Buy?
For my Presets visit: I was taken by surprise when the @BOSSinfoglobal GX100 appeared out of nowhere a few weeks back. The Line 6 Pod GO I bought after it was announced at NAMM and I’ve used it for a good while, and thought it was a really decent price relative to the amount of models/options you get, and the Snapshots are I think the best thing about modern Line 6 devices.
I was asked which I’d pick out of the Pod GO or the Boss GX100 the other day, so I wanted to put together an honest appraisal of what I’d choose, and why, given how each unit performs in terms of Build Quality, User Interface, Functionality, and suitability for Gigging.
here’s an affiliate link for the BOSS GX100 just in case you wanted one!
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