Bach BWV 646 Wo soll ich fliehen hin. Arturo Barba at Norden Arp Schnitger historic organ - Germany

Arturo Barba Sevillano plays at Arp Schnitger historic organ (1688), Ludgerikirche, Norden (Germany). “Wo soll ich fliehen hin“ BWV 646, from Schubler chorales; written by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). III/77 Arp Schnitger organ (1686, 1691/92) of the Ludgerikirche, Norden, Germany, restored by Jurgen Ahrend, 1981-85. The contract for this well-known instrument was signed on February 26, 1686. Following Schnitger’s addition of the Oberwerk in 1691/92, the organ became the largest and most important in East Frisia. Incorporating several ranks from the previous 1616 Edo Evers organ, the instrument remains the second-largest surviving by Arp Schnitger. SUMMARY OF HISTORY OF THE INSTRUMENT 1686-1688: Construction of a new organ by Arp Schnitger, using pipework of the previous organs by Andreas de Mare (1566/1567) and Edo Evers (1616-1618). Case and tracker action mechanism were completely new. 1691-1692: Schnitger added a fourth work (Oberwerk) to the organ. This work was
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