RĪGA, LATVIA | 1 hour Recent Walking Tour with Ambient Sound 2023 | The Planet V [4K | 30 fps]

This walking tour was recorded a day after the 150th Song and Dance Festival 2023. The city was quite calm and it was really a great time to walk around the city under a sunny sky and with almost no tourists around. I already vlogged about this beautiful city so you may revisit some of it by clicking on the links below: 1. Riga, Latvia (Top places to see) | The Planet V [4K Ultra HD] 2. The ART NOUVEAU in Riga, Latvia | The Planet V [4K Ultra HD] You may also visit my other vlogs about this country: 3. Rundale Palace 4. Daugavpils, Latvia | The Planet V [4K] 5. Sigulda, Latvia | The... Planet V [4K Ultra HD] 6. Liepaja, Latvia | The Planet V [4K] 7. Kuldiga, Latvia: European Destinations of Excellence | The Planet V [4K] 8. P
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