Jesus Warns Us about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

In Revelation Chapter 6, Jesus warns us about Four Horsemen that fight the truth of Jesus. They ride horses of different colors, with the first horse white, the second red, the third black, and the fourth pale green. Today we can see all the warnings from Jesus about the Four Horsemen have come true, we know who they are, and what they did. This message is about the truth of Jesus. If you are a Muslim the truth of Jesus is different from what you were taught, but you must know the truth. The Bible and the Islamic Koran have opposite facts. The Bible says Jesus is the Son of God. The Islamic Koran says Jesus is not God, but just a prophet. The Bible says Jesus was crucified for our sins and rose to life on the third day. Muslims are taught this did not happen. The Bible says the only path to God and eternal life is through Jesus. Because of these and many other differences, it is not possible for the Bible and the Islamic Koran to both be true. One book is true and the other is false. The Bible is
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