WINNING by ACING in 20 Seconds

Go to ​ for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon! Broadcasted viewer games! While playing with four fans, I commentated the play by play clutches the viewers came up with, in addition to popping off myself, scoring one of the fastest aces ever in Unranked. This caveira ace interrogation occurred in less than 20 seconds from start to finish. Enjoy this intense recap and join me over on Twitch for your chance next! WATCH LIVE: 2nd CHANNEL: FOLLOW ME: Discord: Twitter: Instagram: EDITED BY: Ashie THUMBNAIL ARTIST: WHAT I USE: Outro Music: Falling Skies Headset: Arctis 7 Steel Series, use code YOBOYROY for 12% off Mouse and Keyboard: G Pro Wireless, Ducky One Mini 2 with silver switches SENSITIVI
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