Sealing «The Takeover» of The Throne: The Manifestation of «The Signal of our Reality-Creation»

In complete «Consensus-Agreement» with lisandra stadler, steven whybrow is commanding and programming this «Reality Creation». I as the «General of the Plant Kingdom» and «Principle Commander of my Reality», steven whybrow, I command that all of the following 6 Commands are fulfilled by «the network» with immediate effect: 1) I command the address revealed and house keys given to the beautiful new Home – a new House – of steven whybrow and lisandra stadler, right by a lake (Wolfgangsee) in the Salzkammergut in Austria. 2) I command the keys to the new car of steven whybrow and lisandra stadler, that is already registered and parked in the drive-way of the new Home. 3) I command the immediate Return of leonie maria stadler to her Mama, lisandra stadler 4) I command the immediate transfer of € onto the following Bank Account: Name: Lisandra Stadler IBAN: AT603293900001619931 BIC: RLNWATWW939 5) I command the direct and unlimited access to the collateral accounts of steven whybrow and lisandra stadler. These are the property of steven whybrow and lisandra stadler, respectively. 6) I command that private diplomatic passports are given to steven whybrow and lisandra stadler respectively, so we can travel the world at any time anywhere. I command that all informations regarding the Manifestation of these 6 commands are sent to the following e-mail address: @ I command that all commands are fulfilled with immediate effect. The «Deadline» for the Fulfillment and Manifestation of these 6 Commands is set for Monday, 14th of August 2023 23:59. This is not negotiable. This can never be changed. I know who I am and I know I create my Reality. I program my Reality into Existence from Microcosm to Macrocosm. I command that I eliminate all «Interferences», «energetic caps» are eliminated with immediate effect at all times. The Signal of this «Reality Creation» travels and is transmitted directly from Microcosm [causal level of reality] to Macrocosm [effects level of reality]. This «Reality Creation» is «Hermetically-Sealed and Protected». It is so because I say so. It is so because I choose so. It is so because I command so. It is so because I know so. It is so because I feel so. I feel connected with my «Reality Creation». So it is. And so it is. And so it is. Hermetically-Sealed and Protected. Truth is Authority. The Law is King. Nothing escapes «The Law of Reality Creation». steven whybrow and lisandra stadler.
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