The film is a recording of solo raqs sharqi dance by Dominika to a modern version of ’Dandana’ originally sung by Warda Al-Jazairia. Dominika’s performance is subtitled with English translation of Dandana’s lyrics (written by Abd El Wahab Mohamed). The song, which title translates to ’Humming’, talks about how we can sometimes miss our beloved person ’like birds miss the singing’ and how life without love is as sad as life without spring and humming.
To match the theme of this song, composed by Hamdi for his beloved wife Warda in 1975, Dominika wore her ’bird of paradise’ themed costume and shot it in the spring in a few locations of Warsaws’ most beautiful botanical garden.
The solo was recorded for the ’El Oyoun El Soud’ - online gala show dedicated to the life and legacy of the legendary composer Baligh Hamdi and his relationship with the love of his life - his wife Warda. In this educative gala show the most important events Baligh’s and Wa
2 months ago 00:03:31 65
3 months ago 00:01:17 1
1987-1025 Как делать бандан. (Из пуджи Дивали. Италия) Временно без перевода.