CANCER DRIVE CAR SHOW @ GMU Campus Fairfax, VA. April 22nd 2012, 11am-5pm.
Pre-register your car for $15, please select a category/class you would like to enter.
ISO (Instance Stance Offset) will be raffling off D2 Coilovers!!! Raffle tickets are $1 each
Supporting Vendors: CANIBEAT, Mischief TV, ISO, Dyno-on-the-GO, PTuning
Payments accepted through paypal
Car Show Address: 4400 University Drive, Parking Lot K, Fairfax Virginia
Cancer Drive Fundraiser: HOSTED by TEAM UNclassified and Patriot Motorsports (All profits will be forwarded to Chrildrens Hospital The Isa foundation
NON Profit
Event: Team UNclassified Featured Car - 95sw21 Fitted MR2
Song: Endless Beats - The Administration (Instrumental)
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