As 2022 draws to a close, the IL-2 team would like to thank everyone for their continued loyalty and support. With the release of the Battle of Normandy, the addition of collector aircraft and vehicles for Great Battles, Flying Circus and Tank Crew, we feel we are ending the year on a high note. But we’re not done. In fact, we’re just getting started.
2023 is going to be an exciting year for all of us on the IL-2 team and we know it will be for you too. Development of the next DLC is well underway and we are as anxious to show it off as you are to see it.
So, we hope you will join us as we move forward in 2023. It’s going to be a great year for IL-2.
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3 days ago 00:54:32 1
Секретик #15 | Варнава, Илья Куруч, Саша Гудков, Алексей Жидковский, Гоген Солнцев, Николай Овечкин
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5 МИНУТ! Это ПЕЧЕНЬЕ БУКВАЛЬНО ТАЕТ ВО РТУ✅Делайте сразу больше🔥
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