After two weeks filled to the brim with school work, and a bit too much gaming (damn you SwTor!) i finally finished this one!
Decided to do use a quite commonly used story for this song, basically RD vs Gilda. First time i ever used electronial guitars, and also the first time i tried to create a solo.
So, my thought processing behind this song was that i wanted to create something that was dramatic, “epic“ and quite heavy. It needed to fit RD’s constant push for winning, but also Gildas rough nature. This is the result!
Download Link 1 :
Donwload Link 2 :
Instrumental Version :
By request, here’s the notes the guitar plays and the chords. (I really suck at writing stuff like this, so i’m sorry if it just looks like a big pile of jam to you. ^^)
Chord structure and guitar notes (I hope you understand,
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