Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial for Beginners | Empty Trash Bin Periodically | Ep#7 (Linux Terminal)
Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial for Beginners a scripting tutorial creating a script to empty the Trash Bin periodically. Script Using Bash on Linux. You can use most Linux/Unix operating systems (we’ll use Ubuntu) and I’ll be doing this Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial for Beginners on Ubuntu today. This is part of a mini-series for beginners scripting on Linux.
Today we are going to do some Bash Shell Scripting and create a script that can save a users input and then delete the contents of the folder supplied. We will use the Trash Bin as an example and go through all the code line by line. You can build off this script and create your own or simply add it to a crontab/job that can run periodically or on boot.
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