The Martian - Chapter 15 |Animated Audiobook|

Please Like and Subscribe. Thanks to all those who’ve listened and joined our channel! The Martian by Andy Weir Audio-book Chapter 15 with corresponding visuals and a full cast. This chapter is centered around the people on earth trying to get Watney home alive. JPL gets a probe built to send food. NASA gets ready for the launch. While everyone else waits on bated breath. This one is was long as hell and full of characters. As always thanks for listening! Definitely the longest so far. This took a huge effort to get done with everyone pulling multiple roles. We truly hope you enjoy! CAST: Bruce Ng Random Techs Venkat Kapoor Maurice Stein Random Reporters NASA Launch Team Mark Watney - Matthew Silas Sedgwick Annie Montrose Countdown Timer Cathy Warner - Makyla August “AUGGIE” Meyer Rich Purnell Teddy Sanders - Christopher “MAC” Carter Mitch Henderson - Mitch “THE GOAT” McCulley Norm Toshi Dr. Keller Mike - Ruvim
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