… I trust the flow of life and surrender 🙌🏾💚

While I was singing this on the porch yesterday I was thinking about FEAR…. All of my own fears and insecurities that I have built up over my lifetime and how they can pop up unexpected sometimes or I can be triggered into an anxious space… fear can run deep and paralyze the body, mind & spirit from functioning fluidly… I Started to think about these fears as waves of different sizes and visualized them crashing down on me… Fear can send me to a dark place in my mind that ends up creating stories and scenarios that don’t really exist… The stories that are created in this space come from the shadow part of myself that actually believes is protecting me by projecting these false realities or ‘what if’ scenarios … this is a miss guided part of myself that is in fact doing the opposite and keeping me from my full potential and is just generating more fear when caught in this debilitating cycle. When fear creeps in and this mental cycle gets put into motion it can be very challenging to
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