My G3 Targa Is Broken What Do I Do?

THE MOST SOLD TELEMARK BINDING EVER The G3 Targa is most likely the #1 selling Telemark binding of ALL TIME, up to this point in history. It had a good run and thousands if not tens of thousands of people used the G3 Targa as their go-to binding. For nearly three years now, the G3 Targa has not been produced and all of the replacement parts associated with it discontinued. The only way to find these parts for the binding are through retail shops, like Freeheel Life, or salvaging parts from used bindings on the market. THE TELEMARK FEEL The relationship between a Telemark skier and their own personal turn is paramount. This feeling comes directly from the type of boot and Telemark binding that one chooses to use. It is for this reason alone that many Telemark skiers are hesitant to purchase and move to a different binding than they are currently on. The G3 Targa has been on so many Tele skier’s feet over the years, that it’s often the binding that is hardest for many to move on from, even
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