
室町時代が起源といわれる「黒江塗」と、13世紀後半根来寺の僧が寺の什器に使用した「根来塗」がある。江戸時代には紀州藩の保護と豊かな檜材を背景に日用品漆器の大産地として発展。今日まで伝統の技術・技法を伝え、多種多様の漆器を生産している。 KISHU-SHIKKI (LACQUERWARE) Kainan City and environs, Wakayama Prefecture The region has been producing negoro-nuri since the 13th century and Kuroe-nuri since the Muromachi period Negoro-nuri is a lacquering style which was practiced by monks at Negoroji temple, where they made their daily utensils. This lacquerware is originally red, but the surfaces become worn through use and the underl
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