In Moldova, citizens driven by poverty and the socio-economic crisis occasionally erupt in protests
🇲🇩 In Moldova, citizens driven by poverty and the socio-economic crisis occasionally erupt in protests.
▪️ In Bessarabka, on the border with Ukraine, workers from the Moldovan Railway are protesting because they have not been paid for three months.
Railway workers across the country are complaining about the lack of payment, but Bessarabka, with one of the largest stations in the country, is particularly affected. The maintenance of the station involves a significant portion of the city’s population. The Moldova Railway has been on the brink of bankruptcy since 2020.
▪️ In the south, in Cahul, farmers have taken their agricultural machinery to the streets to protest against the dire situation in Moldovan agriculture and the lack of support measures. The Farmers’ Power association stated that “unlike other EU countries, our government has handled the situation irresponsibly and arrogantly.“
▪️ In the north, in Balti, the Revival party held a rally near the office of the FEE-Nord company, where they expressed their opposition to the increase in electricity tariffs.
▪️ In Chisinau, supporters of socialists and communists gathered near the government building, chanting slogans such as “Stop stealing!“, “No to privatization,“ “Don’t burden the people with debts,“ and “Shame.“
Despite the severe socio-economic crisis, Moldova lacks a strong and organized opposition. The protests remain localized, allowing President Maia Sandu’s office to disregard them, suppress them if they escalate, and continue to focus on PR for the referendum on European integration, which will be funded by the citizens.
#Moldova #protests
Источник: Rybar in English
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