Drex’s Tech Poi Blog #181 Odds and Ends 4 (stacks, diagonals, BTH)

A bunch of random combos I’ve been working on in the past couple months. The stacking stuff was based upon playing with the idea of leash tracing with the head or hand--something that came out of a move Charlie showed me at Fall WF last year, as well as maintaining right angles in the orientation of the poi to each other. The second stacking combo is very similar to the first, but there’s a small difference in the timing that makes the difference between the tracing and actually having a moment where the right angle is seen in full relief. Also in here is a plane-bending combo that utilizes a diagonal technique Alien Jon demoed in the Arizona Transmission video along with one of my own Arashi-inspired moves. Finally, a fun combo that utilizes some BTH action combined with body tracers and a whole lot of other random stuff.
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