How to Shadow Box | Shadow Boxing 101: A Beginner’s Course

Apply the code FEB2022 for 50% off any product in my shop: In this video we cover the basics of shadow boxing, particularly as it pertains to a beginner. A lot of people initially feel uncomfortable shadow boxing because either 1) they don’t like the idea of hitting someone, or 2) they don’t have practical experience in boxing and have a hard time imagining the sequence of punching and footwork. I will demystify all of that in this video and give you the tools to allow you to shadow box effectively for fitness and fighting. We start off with basic footwork and punches, and relate that to real scenarios you will face in the ring such as being the pressure fighter, the outside fighter, or in the midst of an exchange. You will learn how to go in with your attack throwing punch combinations and how to use boxing footwork to get out to safety. By the end of this video you will have a solid understanding of the basics of shadow boxing, basic boxing co
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