Mysterious Visitors: Are UFOs Time Machines from Future Humans? | UFO Sightings | UFO Documentary

Time Travel or Alien Visits? Unraveling the UFO Mystery | CosmicQuests In this episode of CosmicQuests, we delve into the thought-provoking theory that UFOs, also known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), might actually be time machines used by our future descendants. Experts like Dr. Michael Masters from Montana Tech suggest these mysterious UAP sightings are not extraterrestrial but rather visits from our future to study their, and our, past. This concept, supported by evidence like videos and eyewitness testimonies, is even endorsed by credible sources such as the US Navy. We explore the possibility that UFOs have been observing human civilization to ensure their interventions lead to positive outcomes, a concept supported by the numerous UAP sightings reported over the years. The theory posits that these interactions are cautious engagements with their past — our present — potentially to learn from humanity’s history and avoid past mistakes. Adding an intriguing layer to the
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