ᛊ9 – Late Living Life 9 Liquidating Lamentables – 9ᛊ

1. hobbyist programmer. 2. video gamer. 3. verbal thrasher on idiots in our government and society. “the garbage medias“ call us “conspiracy theorists“ even if we were right on the spot. Things are changing, because people are tired of these opiniated medias of garbage spreading false facts and stupidity. It is much more interesting to listen to medias that are not following the trend of the other idiots. Medias that aren’t following idiots for the moment in the Western hemisphere are Fox News and and there are more to come when i will listen to their channels. Rotten Julius Caesar always painted disproportionately as an angel and peace maker with the help of Picasso/Picalla/Picarro/Picarri/Picalli/Picassi/Picazizi/Picacaca, when he was a murderer/rapist/pedophile/assassin/miscreant/infidel/religionstealer/culturedestroyer/conquerer.
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