DOOM mod | if DOOM eternal was released back in 1993 | Merciless Extermination

DOOM mod Showcase Imagine if DOOM eternal was made with the classic DOOM engine? the results would look something like this. Merciless Extermination This mod keeps you into the “FUN ZONE“ just like doom eternal in a classic way. it is Brutal DOOM meets DOOM eternal in GzDoom sourceport the gameplay is really fun specially the glory kills. except for some minor bugs (being stuck after doing a glory kill or getting glory kill without the enemy in front of the view) but other than that, this is one of the most enjoyable mod I played so far. try it you won’t regret ripping and tearing. Downloads Merciless Extermination (weapons and gameplay) or Working download Maps (PotaTOOM Custom setting Obsidian generated map)
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