The problem in Korea.
SV Troopship alongside in Korean port. MV. Korean girls waving flag on quayside. SV Korean girl presenting officer with bouquet. SV Korean girl walks forward and presents bouquet to officer. CU Officer. SV Towards soldiers disembarking pan to back view with soldier. MV Assises getting into truck. SV Pan truck full of Assises going along. GV Troops led by tank marching towards 38th. parallel. SV Troops marching along. SV Back view troops marching along road. LV Soldier walking towards Kum Chon railway station. MV G.I. entering railway station. SV. G.I. in railway station
... looks up at photos, of Stalin and North Korean leader. CU Photos. CU Picture being yanked from wall pan down to G.I. MV Refugees boarding freight train.
MV Woman with child on back climbing onto roof of truck. MV People climbing onto roof of truck pan to GV train. GV Relatives of atrocity victims looking at scene of death. MV Dead bodies. SV Man undoing hands of dead victim. MV Woman looking at dead boy, turns awaShow more