Offerta a San Michele Arcangelo Preghiera e Guarigione

@lukepallas OFFERING TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Saint Michael the Archangel, dearest patron, sweet friend of my soul, I contemplate the glory that places You there, before the Holy Trinity, near the Mother of God. Humbly I pray to You: hear my prayer and accept my offering. Glorious Saint Michael, here I am, prostrate, I give myself and offer myself to You forever, and take refuge under Your radiant wings. To You, I entrust my past to receive God’s forgiveness. To You, I entrust my present so that my offering is accepted, and I may find peace. To You, I entrust my future, which I accept from the hands of God, comforted by Your presence. Holy Michael, I beg You: with Your light, illuminate the path of my life. With Your power, protect me from the evil of body and soul. With Your sword, defend me from diabolical temptations. With Your presence, assist me at the moment of death, and lead me to Paradise, to the place You have reserved for me. Then we shall sing together: Glory to the Father, who created us, to the Son, who saved us, and to the Holy Spirit, who sanctified us. Amen.
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