Tallest Mountain Size Comparison

A single shot animated zoom from a Human to the tallest mountains from all 7 continents and even the Solar System! Featured (Not all are mountains!): Human Stonehenge Mt Rushmore Pyramid of Giza Ayers Rock Mt Versuvius Mt Kosciuszko Mt Fuji Mauna Kea (Tallest Volcano) Mt Blanc (Alps Tallest Mountain) Mt Vinson (Antarctica Tallest Mountain) Mt Elbrus /Caucasus (Europe’s Tallest Mountain) Mt Kilimanjaro (Africa’s Tallest Mountain) Mt McKinley (North America’s Tallest Mountain) Mt Aconcagua /Andes (South America’s Tallest Mountain) Mt Everest /Himalayas (Earth’s Tallest Mountain) Olympus Mons (Solar System’s Tallest Mountain) Song: Climbing - Bird Creek
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