[] Japan Expo 2021 - AMV

#Simple_AMV #AMV #АМВ First thank you goes out to JAK/Dragonis for doing the thumbnail. Much love to you and i appreciate your help alot bro. JAK/Thumb Designer: I finally managed to finish this Project xD i started one month before the original deadline together with Jojishi we had the dedication to finish a full AMV together, checkout his entry as well :3 Thank you bro for motivating me and kicking me in my ass when i was about to give up after 4 dropped attempts xDDD without you i wouldnt have done it, so everyone subscribe to the boy who is clean af Jojishi: And thank you Jason aka , you saw behind the curtain and understood what i want to tell the world with this edit. After our talk i was so motivated and determined to finish this project, so without your worlds i probably would have rushed this edit. Net
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