45 Min FULL BODY WORKOUT with WEIGHTS | METCON | Strength & Conditioning

Get ready to fire up your muscles and strengthen your entire body with this 45 Full Body workout with Dumbbells. Grab your mat, water and DB’s and get ready to crush this workout together. Infinite DAY 5 - Info and 6 week calendar here: 🗒️Crush it notes ➡️ The workout consists of giant sets, each including 4 exercises. The giant sets will be repeated 3 times as a circuit. The timing is going to be changing, so pay attention. The work time goes 70-60-45 seconds (work time decreases as we go into the sets), with 10-second rest transitions between exercises. So, this will be quite challenging.... •We will keep a 30-second rest to catch your breath between each set. •Also in the third giant set ( upper body focus) the exercises will stay the same but different variables in each set. ✅ You will need lighter and medium weights to switch between lower and upper body exercises. •Once we are done with the giant sets, we will finish the workout with a 3-minute AMRAP Abs finisher block. We will perform 10 reps of each exercise in 3 minutes, as many rounds as possible without any rest. 💫 Try to keep a slightly faster tempo throughout the whole workout. Again, today your goal is not to lift as heavy as possible but to make sure you’re performing your reps dynamically and powerfully. ✅Warm Up & Cool Down Included ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 🫂Become a Member of our Channel: 📅Download your FREE 6-Week Workout Calendar and Info Sheet here - 📖FREE Nutrition Mastery eBook - 📱Download Our App - 🤝Join our FB Community Here - 📷New Instagram: 🤤220 Delicious Recipes Pack - Shop Equipment & Accessories on our Amazon Storefronts (US) (CA) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Intro 0:35 - Warm-Up GIANT SET 1 3:47 - DB Clean & Press 5:07 - Reverse Lunge to Curl 6:27 - DB Marching with Press 7:47 - Sumo Deadlift GIANT SET 2 18:28 - Goblet Squat 19:48 - Duck Walk 21:07 - Stiff Leg Deadlifts 22:27 - Alt Lateral Lunges GIANT SET 3 (Each Round has different variations of the same exercise) 33:07 - Shoulder Press 34:27 - Bent Over Row 35:47 - Neutral Grip Chest Press 37:07 - Front to Lateral Raise AMRAP ABS FINISHER (180 sec work) 47:47 - Table top crunches, Leg Drops, Spider Mountain Climber (10 Reps/each as many rounds as possible) Weights used: Chris: 40lbs/18kg 30lbs/14kg 25lbs/11kg 20lbs/9kg 15lbs/7kg Edi: 30lbs/14kg 25lbs/11kg 20lbs/9kg 10lbs/5kg Have a great workout! 💪 #homeworkout #fullbodyworkout #workout DISCLAIMER: If you purchase products through our links we receive a small commission, there is no extra charge to you. If you did, Thank you! We really appreciate it!🙏 This helps us make more free workouts, guides and programs for everyone. Before starting any workout/exercise program it is important to check with your physician to see if you are able to participate. If you engage in any exercise/workout or program you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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