Light Language: Using the Elements Consciously

The elemental light language transmissions are designed to embody/imbibe one with the energies of the elements for positive use and influence over one’s reality. As spiritual beings living a human experience on a planet called Earth for a short while, we have always naturally been one with the elements, and used perhaps unconsciously at first until we learn to master them both with-in/in-side and with-out/out-side energetically. Feel free to use this energy as re-connection to the energies of the Elements by listening to this recording intently once a day for 3-5 days to fully incorporate the energies, or as an energetic booster to listen to as often as you would like to re-fresh yourself with the Elemental properties. This transmission is intended as an energetic booster to working with Elemental energy of all kinds. The more you listen to this recording the deeper your connection and understanding of the Elements will go as you learn to live with and work with energy on a personal level. We all have
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