How to Build a Tugboat in Minecraft (DMS Osprey) Minecraft Tugboat Tutorial

In this tutorial video i show u guy how to build a tugboat based of the dms osprey in minecraft! Dont forget to leave a like, subscribe and hit the bell! DMS OSPREY is a Tug that was built in 2010 and is sailing under the flag of Panama. Join the Discord! Donate Now to support this Channel! Tags: Minecraft: How To Build a Tugboat in Minecraft | Minecraft Tugboat Tutorial,tug boat tutorial,wie baut man ein tugboat in minecraft,tutorial,tugboat lets build,how to build a tug boat,minecraft superyacht tutorial,minecraft yacht tutorial,minecraft fishing boat tutorial,newfreedommc,minecraft: tug boat tutorial (ulises),how to build a tug boat in minecraft,minecraft tugboat tutorial,wie baut man ein tug boat in minecraft,minecraft lets build a tug boat,playstation 4,minecraft: how to build a tug boat in minecraft,minecraft: tug boat 2 tutorial (ten cent tug),minecraft tug boat tutorial,ten
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