40 MIN FULL BODY KETTLEBELL WORKOUT | Or Dumbbell | 2 Circuits | Strength + Conditioning | You & Me
#fullbodyworkout #youandme
Hey team #everydaywarrior,
I hope you are ready for a new 40 MIN FULL BODY KETTLEBELL WORKOUT - with Viktoria and me! 🔥 Viktoria came all the way from the Ukraine 🇺🇦 for our Live Event which was last Saturday. So we used the day before to get together and film a new YOU AND ME Workout. It’s the second video from our You and Me series! 🫶🏼
Happy Easter Weekend! 🐣🐇🪺
It’s all about building strength throughout our entire body. Grab your weights and let’s rock this workout together and motivate each other to push ourselves even further! 💪🏻 Regardless of where we’re at or where we’re from, together we can give it our all and support each other!
You can also replace the Kettlebell with a Dumbbell, it works fine.
Win your day and earn your sweatiest smiles! 🤗💦
Remember: we all are different, so are our levels of fitness. Make every single workout YOUR OWN. It is really important to make sure to maintain a proper form while exercising. Feel free to modify some exercises (such as slowing down, no jumping etc.) or rest some more if you need to. 🙏🏼
▸ time: 40 Min warm up & cool down on top
▸ equipment: one kettlebell (I am using one kettlebell with 12kg and switch to 16kg for your reference), a mat is recommended
▸ muscles worked: full body and core
W O R K O U T - D E T A I L S:
00:00 - 01:01 | intro
01:14 - 05:14 | warm up 30 sec each
05:32 - 25:37 | workout circuit 1: 45 sec on | 15 sec off
25:59 - 45:01 | workout circuit 2: 40 sec on | 15 sec off
45:31 - 49:18 | Cool Down 30 sec each
✨ Shop My Performance Mat here:
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All the Love. All the Energy.
KayKay 🤍
D I S C L A I M E R:
This channel is for improvement of our fitness and health.💪🏼 Make sure to check your health with a professional medic before start exercising to avoid injury or are performing the fitness exercises without supervision, so you are performing on your own risk. My advice for you is to start with the simple (alternative) exercises and make sure to feel save before performing the advanced exercises. Fitness__KayKay will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.
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