TS Rising - Welcome Back Commander

For those that missed it in the Live Presentation and Q&A. This is actually sometime later after the first one you saw watch closely it’s different this time around! You’ll spot things you didn’t at all in the previous one. Note the new song in the second half we’ve actually used in an older trailer this isn’t the new music I mentioned but I was going for like a from Tiberian Sun to Tiberian Sun Rising transition switching from Stomp halfway through to celebrate Tiberian Sun’s Anniversary and honour the incredible works of Frank Klepacki. Music Credits: Stomp - Frank Klepacki from game Tiberian Sun 1999 Hero’s Glory, TS Rising - Chris O’Neil - Command & Conquer, Tiberian Sun and Tiberium Wars are all owned by EA Games. Tiberian Sun Rising is a non profit game modification for C&C3 TIberium Wars.
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