Ranking EVERY Tyranid Unit in Warhammer 40k | Pariah Nexus Edition

#Warhammer40k More TacticalTortoise: Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:52 Categories 01:48 Barbgaunts 03:05 Biovore 04:05 Broodlord 05:06 Carnifex 05:56 Gargloyles 07:37 Deathleaper 08:49 Harpy & Hive Crone 10:29 Exocrine 11:41 Harridan 12:55 Hive Guard 13:47 Hierophant 14:49 Melee Warriors 16:04 Hormagaunts 16:58 Haruspex 17:34 Genestealers 18:29 Spore Mines 18:51 Neurotyrant 21:35 Lictor 23:13 Ranged Warriors 24:10 Toxicrene 25:35 Winged Hive Tyrant 27:09 Mawloc 28:10 Venomthropes 29:36 Von Ryan’s Leapers 31:31 Neurolictor 32:46 Old One Eye 33:38 Sporocyst 34:34 Raveners 35:11 Screamer-Killer... 36:17 Tyrannocyte 37:36 Zoanthropes 38:28 Norn Emmisary 39:40 Pyrovore 40:31 Hive Tyrant 41:48 Neurogaunts 42:26 Parasite of Mortrex 43:49 Tyranid Prime 45:16 Trygon 46:48 Termagaunts 47:20 Maleceptor 48:47 Norn Assimilator 50:04 Tervigon 51:09
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