Parkour Freerunning and Tricking Battle - Week 04 - 2018

Yes if your country’s name doesn’t end with an A, you had no chance to get in this battle... ;P A Latvian who’s gonna teach you some new tricks 🆒 A guy of who we’re not sure if he’s from Romania or Flomania 🌊 A Georgian who instead of sitting on a chair, likes to jump around in trains 🚅 And a Lithuanian so hot that even his hair turned red 🔥 Can you choose?? 😓 Who gets your vote??? ---------------------------------------------------------- Vote for your favorite clips in our group: The winner gets an awesome custom made t-shirt! 😍 ---------------------------------------------------------- This week’s athletes are: Gleb Savin (Latvia) (18 yo, 5 yrs training) Adi Petrea (Romania) (17 yo, 5 yrs training) Vajiko Berechikidze (Georgia) (20 yo, 4.5 yrs training) Dovydas Česnuitis (Lithuania) (19 yo, 4 yrs training)
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