Gorgeous Big Conversation [DELTARUNE ROUGH ANIMATIC]

This this one. About a month and a half of work, my PC trying to die every once in a while, the project going corrupt at least that was a ride. Personally I deem it worthy, it’s my first animatic since like 2017 and I tried to use all the knowledge I got from my first year learning actual animation. It’s not very polished, compared to other animatics found on YT, otherwise, it would take me a few more months to get done and I don’t have that luxury. The song just felt like a perfect match for Deltarune and these two characters specifically, it’s so funky and wacky and nonsensical. I tried my best to follow the tempo and rhythm of it with my drawings. I also focused heavily on different movement styles for each character (aka Jevil being more active than Seam). I’d say I did well but I won’t mind constructive criticism if you’ll feel like sharing! Hope you enjoy the video either way! (Turn on the captions for lyrics/translation)
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