Звук дождя и ветра для крепкого сна ночью, Rain sound for sleep
It would seem that rain is just ordinary atmospheric precipitation; but how can he leave anyone indifferent? In summer and spring, we love rain for the freshness and coolness that it brings, for the renewal and cleansing of the streets, for the smell and for the rainbow. How nice it is to get under the warm rain in the summer. What about swimming? Have you tried swimming in the sea in the rain? Indescribable feeling, I confess to you. Yes, in late autumn or winter, the sound of rain often evokes sadness and longing, and at the end of February, when there is just a little bit left until spring, it is generally hard to endure, but even at these moments such weather has undeniable advantages. Autumn or winter rain emphasizes the warmth and comfort of your own home.
The sound of the rain that you are now listening to is completely natural, as is the sound of thunder. For convenience, we have separated these two unchanging components into separate audio tracks. You can adjust the sound of thunder or turn it off al
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