A deadly move || Смертельно опасный прием

Techniques with exposure to the neck are dangerous. But you need to know them in order not to get in. Here is one example of such a technique. The radius affects the jaw - from the side. We take the head into the lock between our chest and the opponent’s body. Bringing it to such an angle that turning the body in any direction causes pain. Acting with the trunk, we produce a painful effect. When holding the lock, keep an eye on the opponent’s hands. So as not to get in the groin. No one has canceled a knee blow to the body – but in this case – very carefully!!! If the topic is interesting and the video gets 50 likes. I will shoot a more specific video about such impacts. Las técnicas con efectos en el cuello son peligrosas. Pero hay que saber que no hay que entrar. Aquí hay un ejemplo de tal técnica. El hueso radial afecta la mandíbula, lateralmente. Tomamos nuestra cabeza en el castillo entre nuestro pecho y el cuerpo del enemigo. Llevar a un ángulo tal que girar el cuerpo en cualquier dirección causa do
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