Michael Flatley’s Feet of Flames: The Impossible Tour -- Warlords (featuring MATT SMITH)

At last, it’s time: Warlords. Here’s what separates Lord of the Dance from everyone else, what sells out stadiums and grosses over one-billion dollars: the willingness to unapologetically be the greatest -- and prove it. This show isn’t about austere technical dancing to polite applause. This show is a raw title fight fused with a rock concert, painted in BIG, LOUD PRIMARY COLORS. Lord of the Dance dares to *go* for it. You either understand this or you don’t. Matt Smith understands this. To be the Lord of the Dance, the most high-profile role in commercial Irish dancing, you have to have exactly the right combination of swagger, charm, and jaw-dropping technical skill. This is not a role you play; this is something you *are.* When you step out onto that stage, you *are* the man that an entire stadium paid money to see. The audience didn’t pay to see “Sort of the Dance“ -- they paid to see LORD of the Dance. And when you are the lead dancer in the most successful dance show of all time, with a 15,000-se
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