Selection and Transform Gizmo at Runtime in Unity

Select a game object and show the transform handle gizmo to move, rotate and scale the object using the handle at runtime in Unity using C# script. It allows shifting between different modes of transformation and between local and world spaces using keyboard hotkeys. Install the free package called RuntimeTransformHandle by Peter @sHTiF Stefcek. Below are links to the YouTube video from the BinaryEgo channel that explains it and the GitHub source: To install the package: Unity Editor - Edit - Project Settings - Package Manager - Name: Shtif Registry - URL: - Scopes: - Save. Unity Editor - Window - Package Manager - Packages: My registries - Select Runtime Transform Handle - Install Then, you can find the Runtime Transform Handle folder inside the Assets. Add a Selectable tag and assign it to all objects you wish to be selectable. GitHub link to SelectTransformGizmo code: If you get an error installing the package as a Scoped Registry, try the following: Download the compressed @ folder from the GitHub link below: @ Unzip the downloaded folder In Unity Editor - Window - Package Manager - Add Package from Disk - Select “” inside the unzipped @ folder and click Open
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