Fulltime Go Developer part 4
00:00:00 - 60. Request tracing
00:22:33 - 61. Building services with go-kit - setup
01:12:48 - 62. Building services with go-kit - circuit breaking & rate limiting - setup
01:57:57 - 63. Finishing the aggregator service with go-kit - circuit breaking & rate limiting
02:39:30 - 64. The interviewing process - circuit breaking & rate limiting
03:00:40 - 65. Making an amazing GitHub profile - circuit breaking & rate limiting
03:12:42 - 66. Crafting a killer resume - circuit breaking & rate limiting
03:32:51 - 67. Tips and tricks during the interview
03:52:21 - 68. How to close the skill gap
04:09:50 - 69. Private and public key cryptography - circuit breaking & rate limiting
04:48:18 - 70. Implementing blocks with protobuffers - circuit breaking & rate limiting
05:15:29 - 71. UTXO transaction model - circuit breaking & rate limiting
05:54:14 - 72. Coding the node with GRPC transport - circuit breaking & rate limiting
06:34:41 - 73. Peer To Peer with GRPC - circuit breaking & rate limiting
07:10:26 - 74. Peer discovery with custom gossip protocol - circuit breaking & rate limiting
07:46:59 - 75. Blockchain data structure - circuit breaking & rate limiting
08:27:36 - 76. Transaction mempool - circuit breaking & rate limiting
09:05:56 - 77. Adding and validating blocks - circuit breaking & rate limiting