Put butter on top, I found the easiest way to make multi-layer bread with my hands only

Put butter on top, I found the easiest way to make multi-layer bread with my hands only Ingredients: Water 55ml Milk 55ml White sugar 12g/1tbsp Active dry yeast All-purpose flour 150g Salt ¼tsp Olive oil 15ml Salted butter 20g/ Chopped green onion 20g Mozzarella cheese 40g Recipe: Welcome to my channel! Today I’ll be sharing a super delicious, no-oven bread recipe! 55ml Water 55ml milk 12g white sugar active dry yeast Mix well 150g All-purpose flour Salt Mix well until ingredients are combined 15ml olive oil Knead the dough Cover and rise until double size Deflate the air bubbles Divide and cut the dough into 4 parts Take a piece of dough Shape it like this Repeat Cover and rest for 15 minutes 20g softened salted butter Place a cube of butter on each piece of dough Take a piece of dough Spread the butter onto the dough 20g chopped green onion
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