Lies and secrets

UK Covid inquiry reveals unpleasant material Dominic Cummings “1000 times worse than my language was the underlying insanity of the situation in Number 10.” Start of 2020 UK’s first national lockdown, considered a “completely crazy idea” “no way” nationwide restrictions could be introduced in Britain Strict border controls on China and more testing, “much better” outcome than lockdown. Cummings to Johnson, March - May 2020 #1698754849491 Matt Hancock “unfit for this job” WhatsApp message, May 7 2020 “Hancock is unfit for this job. The incompetence, the constant lies, the obsession with media bullshit over doing his job. “Still no fucking serious testing in care homes his uselessness is still killing god knows how many. This morning you must ask him when will we get to 500k pe
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