World Championship 28th Site “Reykjavik Date 1972 Round 4 White “Fischer“ Black “Spassky“
At move 31, Black had an opportunity to checkmate White with followed by . This move sequence would have created a checkmate threat on the h2 square, which White would have been unable to prevent.
After , if White captures the queen with , then would indeed deliver checkmate on the next move, as White’s king would be trapped and unable to escape the checks from the black bishop.
The game of chess is an intricate and complex battle of wits, where players at the highest level demonstrate remarkable skill, strategic understanding, and calculation abilities. Given the immense talent and experience possessed by players like Robert James Fischer and Boris V. Spassky, it is indeed extraordinary for either of them to miss a potential checkmate opportunity, especially in a World Championship match.
At the professional level, players are accustomed to scanning the board for various tactical motifs, including checkmates. They possess a deep understanding of pattern