Red Fox: Watercolor Tutorial

As requested by Charity Goza, here’s a tutorial of a fox. I’m sorry I couldn’t go in depth into anatomy n stuff, I’m really not that great at it xD haha Oh and I also hope that I pronounced your name correctly.. if not, please let me know 😅😅 This tutorial is somewhat a fail in a way that I think I put more time for the details of the stump more than the fox haha but either way there’s a fox on it so it’s still okay? Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this tutorial either way! Happy painting everyone :) Follow me on skillshare for free 2 months membership • Subscribe: • Follow me on instagram @ig_nianiani TOOLS: Brush: Vtec size 2, WN sceptre gold II size 0, reeves size 2 (frayed) Paint: Holbein Paper: Fabriano hot pressed 25% cotton MUSIC: The Gift by Reed Mathis From the Youtube Audio Library
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