3 BEST SOLO CARRY Champions for EVERY ROLE in PATCH - League of Legends
BEST SOLO CARRY Champions for EVERY ROLE in PATCH - League of Legends
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00:00 - Introduction
00:37 - Nasus (Top)
01:39 - Tahm Kench (Top)
02:34 - Camille (Top)
03:26 - Viego (Jungle)
04:26 - Ekko (Jungle)
05:14 - KhaZix (Jungle)
06:05 - Question of the day
06:28 - Lux (Mid)
07:21 - Vladimir (Mid)
08:16 - Vex (Mid)
09:14 - Miss Fortune (ADC)
10:09 - Jhin (ADC)
11:12 - Vayne (ADC)
11:55 - Amumu (Support)
12:38 - Soraka (Support)
13:23 - Blitzcrank (Support)
14:10 - SkillCapped & Outro
Concepts: best champions,tier list,best champs
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