Back in the 80ies we used several balloon-supported Verticals and even a Delta Loop antenna for 80 and 160m. This time we will try a full size 80m Beam out of a driven J-Pole, plus Director and Reflector! The matching of the high impedance radiator is done over a 20m stub that transforms 3200 Ohms into 50 Ohms. The driven Element is electrically grounded, another advantage of this feeding method… We were beaming to the east and VK4CT RBN in Queensland Australia reports our signal with 20dB, long before our sunset. 19:50 UT, the first Australian station is calling with a big signal. Its Allan, VK2GR, from New South Wales Australia. Our signal is well over the other European stations, this Australian morning, he says. Five minutes later Ron, VK3IO, is calling from Victoria. He is also very loud and impressed by our 400W signal. Ron sends us an audio recording right away. Later in the night, Japan, North- and South America followed, when we turned the antenna. For several hours we could feel, what it means t