SATIRE: Minz Presse Nachrichten „Israelisiere Nicht Meinen Saft“ - Wie man FRIEDEN und GERECHTIGKEIT für PALÄSTINA erreicht
English title:
SATIRE: Mint Press News „Don’t Israel My Juice“ - How to achieve PEACE and JUSTICE for PALESTINE
The country of Palestine was occupied by Israel. This is what Palestinian people criticize against the jewish people, who claim right to keep the nation (country) called Israel, although it is PALESTINE. The other problem is, that Israel deals with Genetical Modified Organizm (GMO) food, which was sprayed with pesticides onto their vegetables. I don’t want to drink and eat the food from Israel. This is, what content of the video wants to show you.
Israel is an international center for studying #GeneticallyModifiedOrganisms (GMOs), though GMOs may only be grown for research purposes and under many restrictions. The sale and use of GM products is permitted, though they cannot be grown commercially in the country. GMOs are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and, as in many other countries, more than 80 percent of soy and canola products, as well as baby formulas, include GM elements. There are no requirements for labeling #GMOsinIsrael , so most Israeli consumers are not aware they are buying GM food. Local and international environmental organizations are concerned about the lack of labeling and are actively lobbying for legislation in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) to address the issue. Agriculture research is very developed in Israel. Universities are widely involved in GM research projects financed by Israeli and international governments and foundations. The results of the research, however, cannot be tested on a large scale or implemented in Israel due to local restrictions on GMO crops. They inform tests abroad. Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture regulates GMO research to stem contamination of non-GM crops. A detailed research plan must accompany any application for the experimental growth of GM plants and their associated microorganisms in the laboratory. Dr. Yihiam Salts, who studies GMOs at the Agricultural Research Organization–Volcani Center (ARO), explained that GMO research can be conducted only in green houses or in open fields far away from agricultural areas. Most of the research conducted on GM plants includes developing and improving plants’ resistance to pests, diseases, and herbicides. But the research can only reach the “proof of concept” stage, because of regulations.
As tomato cultivation spreads in Israel, researchers are developing tomato varieties resistant to viruses and without seeds, though this research won’t help local growers any time soon. Zeltz’s recent research involves merging genes to affect the amount of non-saturated fat in plants. Many of the researchers in Israel are favorable toward GMOs. The environmental movements in Israel against GMOs say GM seeds produce sterile crops, so cross-pollination with wild plants could bring rapid extinction to those wild varieties. Israel has a diversified climate..
#Juice2019 #Israellobby #ZION