Text Analytics of Tweet Emotion - EDA with Plotly | Natural Language Processing | Machine Learning
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👉 Inception-v4 (PreTrained) - Aerial Image Semantic Segmentation with PyTorch - 🟠
👉 Mean Intersection over Union -
👉 Pixel Accuracy -
👉 Hausdorff_Distance -
👉 Unet Brain MRI Segmentation with TensorFlow -
👉 PyTorch ConditionalGAN from Scratch -
👉 PyTorch Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) with Gradient Penalty from scratch -
👉 PyTorch Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) Implementation from scratch -
👉 Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) Architecture Understanding -
👉 PyTorch CycleGAN Paper Implementation from Scratch -
👉 PyTorch DCGAN Implementation from Scratch - CycleGAN Architecture and Paper Walkthrough -
👉 CycleGAN Architecture and Paper Walkthrough -
👉 PyTorch GoogLeNet / Inception v1 Paper Implementation From Scratch -
👉 ResNet Paper Implementation From Scratch with PyTorch -
👉 LeNet from Scratch - Shape Calculation @ each Layer -
👉 Input-Shape-of-Conv-Layer-and-Linear-Layer-of-PyTorch-Neural-Network -
👉 EfficientNet Pre-Trained with PyTorch - Covid-19 X-Ray Dataset -
👉 Image Stitching and Creating Image Panorama with OpenCV & Python -
👉 Dense Function of a Fully Connected Neural Network in TensorFlow in 2 Minutes -
👉 Dense Function of a Fully Connected Neural Network in TensorFlow in 2 Minutes -
👉 Image Augmentation with Albumentation - on Kaggle Dataset - TensorFlow Great Barrier Reef -
👉 DCGAN’s Generator Function - Understanding Filter Size and Input Shape - TensorFlow -
👉 Deep Neural Network with PyTorch - PART-1 -
👉 Deep Neural Network with PyTorch - PART-2 -
👉 Four Machine Learning & Deep Learning Algorithms From Scratch with Python -
👉 Five End to End Machine-Learning and Deep-Learning Projects -
👉 Understanding Shi-Tomasi Corner Detection Algorithm with OpenCV and Python -
👉 Understanding Harris Corner Detection Algorithm with OpenCV Python -
👉 Python Image Processing - Greyscale Conversion and Brightness Increase from Scratch -
👉 Bitcoin Price Prediction with Deep Learning LSTM (Tensorflow and Keras) - PART-2 -
👉 Bitcoin Price Prediction with Deep Learning LSTM (Tensorflow and Keras) - PART-1 -
👉 TensorFlow Keras Custom Layers and Fundamental Building Blocks for Training Model -
👉 Extract Stock Market Data with yfinance python package for free and Tesla Stock Prediction -
👉 Predict Transaction Value of a Bank’s Potential Customers - Kaggle Santander Value Prediction Competition -
👉 What K-Fold Cross Validation really is in Machine Learning in simple terms -
👉 GridSearchCV from Scratch without using Sckit-Learn -
👉 Data-Science Project- Microsoft Malware Detection Kaggle Competition - LogLoss with XGBoost -
👉 Complete Data Science Project with Keras - Kaggle Gravitational Waves Detection Competition -
👉 DCGAN from Scratch with Tensorflow Keras - Create Fake Images from CELEB-A Dataset -
👉 Neural Network Implementation From Scratch in Python -
👉 Chain Rule in Backpropagation of a Neural Network - Mathematical Derivation -
👉 GFP GAN Paper Explanation with Python code to restore resolution of old Photos -
#machinelearning #datascience #nlp #textprocessing #kaggle #tensorflow #pytorch #deeplearning #deeplearningai #100daysofmlcode #neuralnetworks #pythonprogramming #python #100DaysOfMLCode
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