Mick Gordon - DOOM Eternal Complete Soundtrack (Chapter 1 “Hell On Earth“)

Finally after 1 year of making mixes for tracks from Doom Eternal i can introduce to y’all a first part of my album. It was really hard to do, even if look at that i used tracks from official realise. 0:00:00 - Hell On Earth (Stalker’s Mix) 0:06:07 - DOOM Eternal 0:11:04 - Deag Nilox 0:11:59 - Prayer Of The Diminished 0:13:40 - King Novik 0:15:35 - Exultia (Stalker’s Mix) 0:20:42 - The Betrayer 0:26:41 - Sinister 0:29:56 - A Cultist Prayer 0:34:01 - Cultist Base 0:39:32 - On The Hunt (Stalker’s Mix) 0:43:19 - Terrordome (Stalker’s Mix) 0:47:18 - Blood Harvester (Stalker’s Mix) 0:54:34 - The DOOM Hunter (Stalker’s Mix) 1:00:11 - End Of Level aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RyaXZlL2ZvbGRlcnMvMTNCX0s5Vkk5dFlPVXdqVThNVDdOalBQcHVTckktLURE
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