A short summary of our project “Death Fragments - Büchner, 23 years old“ that we could realize with the support of NRW-Kultursekretariat and Theater Bielefeld. It had its premiere in April 2011 and the following artists have been involved in it:
Tetsuo Furudate (noise music, composition, text)
Edwin van der Heide ( music and laser)
Leif Elggren (voice performance)
Sigrid Maria Schnückel (text, production, performance)
Miho Iwata ( dance, performance)
Markus Fisher (performance)
Hanno Dinger (performance)
Charlotte Ullrich (performance)
Stefan Imholz (performance)
Un bref résumé de
...notre production théâtrale intitulé “Death Fragments, Büchner, 23 years old“, qui a recu le support du Secrétariat de la Culture de la Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie en coopération avec le théâtre de Bielefeld et dont la première a eu lieu en avril 2011.Show more